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It’s not just dogs that want time outdoors when the weather warms up: cats also enjoy fresh air and a chance to catch some rays. But as most feline fanciers know, cats who roam unsupervised outside often have a much shorter life expectancy than their indoor counterparts, due to the many dangers they face. Cats can also be a neighborhood nuisance, digging in flower beds and hunting small bird populations that some homeowners cultivate. The solution? An enclosed outside space designed for your cat’s entertainment and safety. The “catio” as some are calling it, is growing in popularity and popping up everywhere from big yards to apartment windows. Here are a few things to consider when building your own cat yard:
Full Enclosure

Full enclosures are necessary to ensure your cat’s safety.
Remember that cats are expert climbers as well as boundary-pushers. They will, by nature, try to find a way to get beyond the space you have designed for them, if only for the sake of exploration. Use materials that are difficult for cats to maneuver through, like chicken wire or fine wire mesh. Don’t be tempted to skimp on the structure of the enclosed cat yard; secure the ends and edges well to keep your kitty safe.

Cats love to climb up high to take in the view.
Climbing Structures
Cats love to view the world from on high and survey their surroundings. By creating vertical spaces in your cat yard for them to climb on and hang out in, you provide valuable stimulus for your felines. Floating shelf-type steps up a vertical wall work well for this, so long as they are mounted securely enough to hold your cat’s weight.

Tunnels and above ground walkways are feline favorites
Open-air tunnels made of screen material give cats a place to stretch their legs and “chase” after birds or squirrels without endangering them. If you have lots of space in your cat yard to work with, consider an above ground “cat run” leading from one enclosed space to another.
Window Terrace
Even if you don’t have a lot of yard space to work with- or no yard at all- you can still design a clever cat yard hangout spot. Building off of a window, anchor an enclosed structure to the building outside to provide a sunny, fresh-air escape and a good lookout spot from which your cat can monitor the activities of the neighborhood.
Pre-fab Cat Enclosures
If you don’t have the time or desire to design a cat yard, there are many pre-made options to choose from. These have the added benefit of being a temporary enclosure, good for families that could be moving in the future, or are preparing for a backyard renovation. Check out the PAWS website suggestions for these products here.